Fabamy's Blog

Crazy life of a CenPho comedian & socialite

My dog, Queen. June 11, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — fabamy @ 6:05 pm

I was just reminded of the dog I had before Dexter. Queen. She was a border collie that was the pick of the litter. She was on a ranch, and turned out to NOT have enough balls to herd the cattle, so they were going to put her down. My (then) sister-in-law drove her to NY from CO to give her to us. She was the smartest dog in the universe.
But, she was sketchy during storms and didn’t like really little kids. She also hated little dogs.

They say our dogs are our soulmates, and I don’t doubt it for a moment. She could feel all of my feelings. I got her in the divorce.

She was acting strangely one night, so I took her to the vet. Turned out that she had a tumor on her spleen, bigger than the spleen itself. They figured it was cancerous, wanted to do surgery right away and put her on chemo. Chemo. For a dog. A dog that hiked for 10 hours and still didn’t stop to shit. She would truck through any task, and wouldn’t stop until it was done. The meds & surgery would give her 6 more months to live.
6 months or not being able to hike. Or run. Or do much of anything. I chose to put her to sleep and made an appointment for the next morning. I needed one more night with her. That night, she slept on the bed with me all night long. She had never done that before, because she had to constantly keep an eye on the cats. I knew that she knew that she was dying.

Queen was a lot like me. She focused on the task at hand and wouldn’t let anyone get in the way of her work. She wasn’t unfriendly, but she was choosy about which people got to develop a relationship with her. She did, however, shower “her people” with a shitload of love and admiration.

She would have donated her kidney.


Memes of me, just for fun. Will keep adding them. June 9, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — fabamy @ 11:43 am


Jane’s Addiction! June 2, 2012

Filed under: The good life — fabamy @ 11:46 am

When I saw that KWSS was giving away tickets to the JA show in Tucson, I jumped on it. They had a contest to see who got the most likes on their comment under a picture of Perry and Dave. So, I posted it on Facebook and Twitter. Within a few minutes, I had 20 likes on my comment. A few others commented after me, but only got a few likes. The most anyone else got was 3.

I ended up with 35. Because that’s how Amy Donohue works: When I want something bad enough, I will do everything and anything in my power to get it.

When they played “Ocean Size,” I cried. I wrote a blog about this song a couple months ago (https://fabamy.wordpress.com/2012/03/29/a-long-lost-love-has-died-why-is-it-affecting-me-so-much/) and was hoping with all my heart and soul that they’d play it. I thought of Jeff and how he must have died tragically. I only knew him for a couple months, but our time together is something I’ve thought about for 20 years.

They also played “Mountain Song,” which has been my favorite of theirs since I saw the video almost 25 years ago on MTV’s 120 minutes. Perry was jumping around onstage wearing a giant diaper. I still have the VHS of it! Who knows if it plays anymore.

I tweeted to Perry for almost a week, because I really wanted to meet him. I’m not a celebrity stalker. I’ve met a shitload of celebrities and only a few really impacted me. Joan Rivers & Henry Rollins are the only two that I got to connect with, even if it was for just a little while. They were on my bucket list. So is Perry. I will meet him one day. Mark my words. (Again, Amy Donohue does shit to get shit done!)

We did, however, get to meet Dave Navarro after the show.  I asked him “Where’s Perry?” He gave me a dirty look and then looked away. Hahaha. I pissed off Dave Navarro.

It was a perfect evening, in every possible way. Favorite band.