Fabamy's Blog

Crazy life of a CenPho comedian & socialite

So long, #kidneychat! It’s been real. February 8, 2015

Last week was the last formal #kidneychat. After two years, I feel it’s run its course. But, real life is a priority right now, and I have a few businesses to run.

Over the past two years, I’ve met some awesome people! I’ve seen people get kidneys. I’ve seen people donate. And, most of all, I’ve seen a culture of kidney people, with an outlet to communicate, learn about each other and make new friends.

People have stumbled on #kidneychat from all over the world! Some don’t even have anything to do with kidneys, but they still show up because that’s what Social Media is all about.

Make friends. Build relationships. Learn about people.

It’s been real, folks! You know how to stay in touch. 🙂



“A tank of gas…and a sandwich.” April 28, 2013

Filed under: The kidney donation — fabamy @ 10:36 am
Tags: , ,

My mom donated $100 to the documentary the other day. $50 of that was from her neighbor, LaVon. A couple days later, I got this awesome card in the mail. I bawled like a baby when I read it. A future donor donated (again) today, and her comment for her donation was “For a tank of gas and a sandwich,” because she had seen the card when I posted it on Facebook. So, it’s been kind of a motto the past few days.
LaVon is 82. She took the time to send this to me. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

