Fabamy's Blog

Crazy life of a CenPho comedian & socialite

I’ve been testing & eliminating foods April 23, 2014

Filed under: Weight loss — fabamy @ 3:09 pm

Since February 3rd (I will remember the date the way I remember May 9th, 2004, which is when I quit drinking), I have eaten all whole foods. My chiropractor has given me a great list of different food groups, and told me to cut out gluten. I never really thought about not eating it, but I have several friends who are sensitive/allergic to it. After doing my own research, I found that we don’t really need anything in it, so I cut it out.

Three times I have eaten bread. All three times I have gotten bad stomach cramps, within minutes of eating it. I’ve had two people ask me if I had been tested for it. WHY do I need to be tested??? I was a philosophy scholar in college. I took logic courses. If the same thing happens three times in a row, it’s logical to conclude that it’s just not good for ME. By the way, all those “gluten” foods are so devoid of nutrients, that there’s no point in eating them.  So, now I won’t eat bread. I haven’t had pasta since January.

I’ve over-educated myself about food the past few months. I read everything I can get my hands on. I talk to people who follow a diet that may not contain what the GenPop eats. Who cares what I eat? Who cares if I am staying away from gluten? Most doctors don’t even keep up with dietary trends. Some still say eggs are bad for you. What??? Go ahead and stay in your 80s mentality, bro. Eggs are a great food and they don’t raise your cholesterol. Talk about a bad rap!

2014-04-22 19.01.52

I sliced up some Roma tomatoes, then drizzled 1/2 tsp olive oil over them, and added salt & pepper. Then, two fried eggs (runny yolks!!!), 1/4 avocado, another 1/2 tsp olive oil (yes, I measured it!), and salt & pepper. This was my dinner last night. 🙂




Ever weigh yourself after a stomach bug? April 6, 2014

Filed under: Weight loss — fabamy @ 10:16 am

I should have, but I didn’t. I got really sick in the middle of the night last Sunday. I woke up at 2am Monday morning to run into the bathroom and vomit. And shit all over my bathroom floor. Oh, and I pissed all over myself. While I was vomiting. This went on for 7 straight hours, and I finally went back to bed around 9:30 Monday morning. It was the sickest I have ever been in my life! I slept most of the day. Thankfully, I have awesome neighbors and an amazing boyfriend who took care of Dexter and brought me saltines and club soda.

I make my own ginger ale and ginger tea. When you buy ginger ale in the store, THERE’S NO DAMN GINGER IN IT. It’s just syrup and bubbles. Frankly, I can’t believe people still drink that shit, but whatever. As soon as I started to drink it, my nausea subsided, and I didn’t vomit anymore. The saltines helped, too, I’m sure. I felt so guilty eating them, because there’s absolutely nothing good in them, plus I have a gluten sensitivity. But, they didn’t make me feel bloated or make my intestines hurt. I mustered up some strength to go buy watermelon, because it sounded appealing. I puked that right up!

I didn’t go for my weigh-in last week because of this. I was tempted to go a few days later, but I’m a creature of habit, and go on Mondays. It will be interesting to see what I’ve lost the past two weeks. Yesterday was my first hike in a week, because this stomach bug just held on all week. I’m still a little tired, and woke up in the middle of the night last night, burping up something I ate in the evening yesterday. That never happens, so my stomach is still obviously healing. I will be very good to it today! In fact, I’m drinking ginger tea.

So, here is how to make ginger tea and ginger ale. It’s really easy and it tastes like…ginger! Oh, and the healing qualities really work.


Buy a big hunk of ginger. It’s cheap.
Cut of a big chunk. Slice thinly. No need to peel. While slicing, heat 2 cups of water to a boil. D
Now, for tea, just throw the ginger into the boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, then cover and simmer for 20. Strain. Drink. If you need sweet, 1/2 tsp (YES YOU HAVE TO MEASURE THIS) of local, raw honey is ok. It will be sweet enough, trust me. In fact, it seemed almost  two sweet with that amount for me.

For ginger ale, add a cup of sugar to the boiling water/ginger. Strain. I strain mine into a larger Pyrex measuring cup, because I can store it like that in the fridge and pour it out easily. Pour 1/2 cup syrup into a large glass. Add ice cubes and fill the glass with club soda. It’s SO delicious!! It’s very crisp, and you can taste the ginger bite.

This stomach bug was worse than donating a kidney.