Fabamy's Blog

Crazy life of a CenPho comedian & socialite

It’s Social Media, NOT “Me!Me!Me!dia” March 27, 2013

Filed under: Social Media — fabamy @ 10:59 am

One of the things that’s most frustrating about being so heavily involved in Social Media, is that sometimes it feels like I’m the only one paying attention to others.

I have several friends who post updates all day long, mostly from their phones. These are people are who close friends, yet when I mention something I’ve been talking about for MONTHS, they’re surprised that they’re just hearing about it.

Now, I don’t really care about the GenPop of friends/followers on my Social Media accounts. But my friends? I pay attention, and expect them to, too. They are also the people who actually know how many friends/followers they have, and get upset when they lose someone. My guess? They got deleted for not paying attention to those who pay attention to them. It’s a give-give world out there.

I’m not sure if narcissistic is the word I’m looking for. Maybe self-absorbed? No idea. What I DO know is that those people I’ve always paid so much attention to have been removed from my lists/circles on Twitter and Facebook. It may seem petty, but I’d rather pay attention to those who do the same.

So, if you’re doing Me!Me!Me!dia and losing friends, and followers, it couldn’t hurt if you occasionally actually go to your “home” screen and like/comment on what others are saying.



The podcast I did yesterday is setting records for downloads! March 15, 2013

Filed under: The kidney donation — fabamy @ 10:27 am

My friend Chris, who I’ve known for about nine years, set me up to do a podcast called “Positively Speaking” yesterday. It was a great experience and the host, Bill Poett, was very easy to talk to.

For the first 45 minutes, it was me telling my story. Things blew up, though, when we started to get callers. Grab your Kleenex and have a listen!


Positively Speaking 3/14/12


How to do a chat on Twitter March 10, 2013

Filed under: Social Media — fabamy @ 8:40 pm

There are many, many chats on Twitter for people to participate in. They are found by knowing what the hashtag for the chat is. For example, I know on Tuesday evenings, there is an #smmanners chat. It’s a discussion of Social Media manners. Chats are awesome because you can learn a lot from people you may not interact with.

So, once you know what the hashtag is, you can search the hashtag and jump in. What I prefer, though, is to go to http://www.oneqube.com/, which is the new alternative to the non-defunct (or soon to be), tweetchat.com . You log in with Twitter, enter the hashtag of the chat, and see what everyone is saying. Every tweet you send out while using http://www.oneqube.com/ will automatically include the hashtag.

If you use Tweetdeck (not sure how other third-party apps work), you can add a column with the hashtag.

Always remember (except for when you use tweetchat.com) to add the hashtag into your tweet for others to see.


Sometimes I vent & don’t expect it to hurt people’s feelings. Ugh. March 9, 2013

Filed under: The kidney donation — fabamy @ 1:17 pm

I had the pleasure of being a guest at a nephrology conference last week. I had no idea what to expect going in there, but I wanted to make connections with people and, of course, share my story. My heart sank a little when I saw the itinerary of talks, as I didn’t see anything given BY a donor. As everyone knows, live organ donation has become my life’s cause. I didn’t choose this path. It chose me.

I tweeted my frustration at the lack of the point-of-view from a donor. I often use Twitter to do so, and my words were taken out of context. That breaks my heart, because I wasn’t targeting any one person or organization. I remember crying as I left the conference, because I had just left a presentation that included people on dialysis speaking about their illness.

Kidney disease is an epidemic. I don’t think enough people talk about it, which is why I do. I’ll die before I ever stop telling people our story, about my donation, and the problem right now in the USA. (I just don’t know much about other countries and kidney disease.)

There are almost 100,000 people on a list, waiting for an organ. Roughly 94,000 of those sick people are waiting for a kidney. 94%. It truly breaks my heart.

I just wish everyone could work together to spread the gospel.

I just wish I hadn’t seen those sick people, but it gave me more fuel on my journey.

I just wish my words didn’t offend anyone.

I just wish my tweet hadn’t been taken out of context, and that I explained myself better.

I just wish that 94,000 people will come forward to donate.

Is that so much to ask?