Fabamy's Blog

Crazy life of a CenPho comedian & socialite

Life is awesome…and then it punches you in the face. October 30, 2014

The past few years have been pretty difficult for me, financially. I was fired from one job for donating my kidney. I got laid off from another, but that was awesome because I started my own business. Still, the financial side I was always playing “catch-up” in, and I just couldn’t make it so that I had play money. I almost had to move in with my parents last year. Business was slow, I was making the documentary, and I put every penny of my savings into the film. But, at the last second of 2013, I got a pretty well-paying client, and I slowly got myself back on my feet.

It worked out really well! I was catching up on bills, I could go to dinner more than once a month with my friends, and I even had some money to buy some clothes. Nothing fancy, but it was still fun. My business exploded this summer! I ended up hiring Jada to work part-time for me, and she’s doing a great job. It was to the point that I was about to do something I hadn’t done in 14 years: go on a real vacation.

14 years. That’s a LONG time to work your ass off, but never get to take a vacation. Sure, there were years I made a shitload of money, but I was addicted to it. I wasn’t taking days off, so I could make more and more money. But, I crashed and burned. I was working way more than full-time, doing stand-up a few nights a week, doing my radio show, and managing a band or two. What a life! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuntil you crash and burn, like I did.

Anyway, my dog got something in his eye a month ago, and there were three vet visits in that time. I had almost a thousand dollars saved up…and it’s gone. I’d been looking at different websites for plane tickets for a couple weeks, because I was ALMOST THERE! I was going on vacation!!!


But, the universe decided to make me take a step back. All I saved is gone, because Dexter needed it. I’m ok with it, because now he is on the mend and not in pain anymore. He’s doing great! And I’m thankful I had the means to take care of him.

Still, that trip to Costa Rica, to sit on the beach for a week with no computer, no hair dryer, no makeup, no distractions, is going to have to wait a couple more months. Whatever. My birthday’s in February, so it’ll fucking happen. I’ll MAKE IT HAPPEN.