Fabamy's Blog

Crazy life of a CenPho comedian & socialite

Helloooooooooo, plateau!!!!!! June 7, 2014

Filed under: Weight loss — fabamy @ 10:08 am

I know I mentioned this in my last blog post, but a couple people messaged me on Facebook about an update. It’s been a crazy few weeks since our film trailer came out (I will post the link below), and we’ve had a lot of media appearances to deal with.

Since I’ve been so busy, I have been terrible about eating every 3 hours. Now, there are people who believe or don’t believe in eating every few hours, so just do what’s right for you. It works for me, and I know that part of my weight gain was not eating frequently enough. Other factors were portion sizes and not having enough protein. I know that all 3 of those together have helped me lose this 28 pounds.

I’ve been going to yoga 3-4 times a week, too. It’s gotten hot out in Phoenix, so I can’t hike as much. The times I have gotten out there the past two weeks have been when I got up at 4:45 to be hiking by 5:30. It’s insane, but it hits 80 by 7am now. I don’t even take Dexter unless I get out there at the crack of dawn. The yoga has really made changes in my body! I’d been having a shooting pain down the back of one of my legs, which I know is from sitting in a dining room chair all week for work. I’ve got a good chair coming in a couple weeks, thankfully!

So, I’m down 28.5 pounds. If you’ve ever wanted to lose weight, you know that half a pound still counts. I also have a full body composition test every Monday. When my waist size goes down (about a half inch every 3 weeks), and my weight hasn’t changed, it’s still progress. I also sometimes lose a half a pound of fat, but gain muscle. So, there is still progress IN my body, which is what is keeping me motivated.

Don’t always think the scale is what’s showing that you’re doing a great job. Find out what your fat percentage is. My chiropractor is also a nutritional counselor, so she has the equipment to do this every week. See if you can find someone who can do the same for you in your town.

Here is our movie trailer. I still cry every time I see it!