Fabamy's Blog

Crazy life of a CenPho comedian & socialite

Stop retweeting your #FollowFriday tweets! August 10, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — fabamy @ 2:02 pm
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While most people look forward to Fridays, I dread them. Picture me walking through quicksand after a night of no A/C, which happened to me last night. So, a Thursday night in Phoenix, Arizona, with no air conditioning, and a Friday to wake up to, means I know I’m going to get pretty stabby in the morning.

It happened, of course. It’s #FollowFriday/#FF, a day on Twitter to recommend to your followers other people you think they’d like to follow.

I. Hate. It.

Follow Friday is spam, unless it’s done the right way. Recommend people you actually interact with. People whose tweets you find informational or enjoyable. GIVE your followers a REASON to follow people. Here’s an example:
“#FF @TheFabSocial for great information about Social Media.” Now, if I were a person in marketing or Social Media, I’d be looking for new accounts to follow. Wait, that’s what I do! If I saw someone tweet this, I’d check out the profile and then, most likely, follow. Give an example of why that account deserves a follow.

Here’s the WRONG, spammy way:
“#FF @fadkafjsdk @fdkadfjpab @eapciamd @paacma” and that’s it. WHY should I follow them?  Are they your cousin’s neighbor who makes awesome BBQ ribs? Are they a really funny account?
And the worst part: The people in that tweet who retweet it, with no message added. THEN THEY REPLY ALL, without even looking at the others mentioned in the tweet. It’s kind of ignorant, if you ask me. “Blah blah blah I’M SO GREAT blah blah blah.”

Help make the world a better place by doing #FF in a way that people will actually use, enjoy, and murder less people.