Fabamy's Blog

Crazy life of a CenPho comedian & socialite

National Kidney Day & emotions running high! March 8, 2012

Filed under: The kidney donation — fabamy @ 11:12 am

Cripes, it’s been over a year since I volunteered to donate my kidney. In 5 weeks, it will be a year since the surgery. You’d think everything would be dead & gone, moving on, etc.


Woke up this morning to see so many other donors and families of donors posting on Facebook about National Kidney Day and I cried. Twice.

It’s been a roller coaster of a year. Mostly good, but there were some pretty deep lows, too. Losing my job, my uncle dying the day before the surgery, my cousin killing herself a month after. I had a lot to deal with at the time and couldn’t have gotten through it without my family and friends, especially Kirti.

It’s funny that we had only met once when I agreed to begin the testing. And once I started the process, there really wasn’t anyone I could talk to about it all, except for her. The medical terminology, the publicity, the surgery, etc. She super-educated herself on everything to help out TinyMom, but I think it helped me ever more.

We’re starting to plan the one-year Kidneyversary party. A venue is donating the facility. Bands volunteering to play. Chefs wanting to bring food. It’s overwhelming, the amount of love and support people are showing. Many of them, I had never met until a year ago, when the fundraisers started.

So, it will be a crying day. Fuck, I could use a giant hug.


9 Responses to “National Kidney Day & emotions running high!”

  1. Consider yourself a recipient of a big virtual hug for now. You are an inspiration. xoxo

  2. Linda Says:

    You’ve had a crazy busy year – and please know that you are loved by many and we’re all right here ready to give you BIG HUGS my friend.

  3. JaneDoePhx Says:

    Hi Amy, it’s Michelle M (from comedy). I linked to this via Facebook. WOW. You are a modern day hero who has touched the lives of just about everyone around you – not just TinyMom and her family but all of us who know of your incredible journey and who stand on the sidelines wanting to be better people because of what you did. Happy Kidneyversary and if you need help planning that big ass party…..CALL ME!!!

    Here’s your virtual hug. You really make me want to be a better person. ❤

    • fabamy Says:

      Aw, thanks, Michelle! You don’t know how much I appreciate the support! The anniversary is April 19th. Our party is the following Tuesday. :} Will keep you posted.

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